I will NOT go gentle into the night!

I know, I just turned 50.

and yes, I already use a cane and sometimes a walker too.

but how many 50 year olds can bench their bodyweight for reps and have better grip strength than most 25 year old guys??

First hurdle is that I have cataracts. Clouding of the eyes.. the dead fish eye! at times it's like trying to look through a ziploc bag..

but.. I can deal with it. Actually, I found out from my aunt, that she had cataracts also, and after a 10-minute surgery on each eye (out-patient too) she not only has perfect eyesight now, but is no longer near-sighted as she was before. :)

Looks like I might simply be updating to a new version of optic lenses. (I hope they have some cyborg options)

ps. most important to me was the overall (old man) strength and I was very pleased with that result. 💪😎👍

pps. I am prepared to go full blind one day if it comes to that.. it'd be like living a whole nother life.. and what, with my cyberdata implant, c/o elon musk. i could just 'see' my computer screen in my head and just connect, through bluetooth, to the 5000X zoom camera lenses attached to my head.. or would they just be implants by then?

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