AZL Keto, Q1 2023

So, sometime late December 2022 I think, my wife hinted at me that I was starting to gain some weight. At first I got defensive, woo woo woo…but then I took a hard look and saw it - indeed, I had put on some weight!

It seems to be like a biannual phase for me, but every time I come to the weight losing phase, it seems to be harder and slower than the time before…you’d think I’d just learn and, hell I don’t know, take care of myself year round or something…but the jury’s still out on whether I’ll pull that off.

For now, I will just be doing the ketogenic diet again, to down regulate my body weight back to a comfortable level.

Although I began the diet on the 3rd of January, I didn’t start tracking my weight and body fat until the 8th. I estimate that I was approximately 170lbs on January 01.

Unfortunately, it’s hard for me to stay diligent about anything for an extended period, so I didn’t even finish tracking the two months I drew up.

In fact, over the days I wasn’t tracking I tended to cheat more on the diet, so it was probably more like low carb than actual keto - but still I lost some weight along the way.

More importantly though, I’ve gotten back to being more excited about exercising and taking care of my body. Hopefully this marks the beginning of a new chapter; one that is focused on sustainable self care and well-being.

I’m hoping to continue this effort and, while it seems to be very tough to get under 19% body fat, I’m hoping maybe building some new muscle will help. I guess we’ll see!

Thanks for checking out some more of my work! As always, I hope you enjoyed witnessing as much as I enjoyed creating!

© Photos and words by @albuslucimus, except where otherwise indicated.


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