You Won't Die ~ Try It


So! Looking at that, have we really tried putting ourselves in another person's shoes, waking in it, and feeling the weight? Perhaps NO right?
What about walking on hot coal? Does it burn? Does it hurt? You probably might not know because you haven't been there right?
So why be so judgmental? Why point fingers?
Why criticize even with your imperfections, your flaws, and infirmities?

You know humans are so quick to judge, so quick to point out the wrongs in other people's lives.
Forgetting that they don't have any idea about what that person is going through in life, what they are fighting to be seen as a normal human being just like everyone else.

Imagine saying that a depressed person is supposed to be isolated simply because the person is facing or fighting one challenge or the other?
Being depressed or having any medical challenge doesn't make a person any less of a human being so why all the dramas?

Try It...You Won't Die

You can stop being so judgemental, you won't die. We all can stop making ourselves the judge of another person's life.

If you have not been in their shoes to know what it feels like then please spare them all the sermons.
They have heard, they have seen and they have tasted enough.
Don't add to all the headaches and dramas in their lives.
If you can't be of any help to them, then at least let them have a little bit of peace of mind.

We are never always perfect even if we claim to be. We all have our flaws. That we aren't making it known to the public doesn't make us better human beings.
Everyone has their battle to fight and we can't go about judging others who are also fighting theirs.

Quit Judging!
Quit Criticizing!
Let's live more like human beings and not aliens from different planets.



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