Long Short

Changing location is not an easy thing. One is supposed to move from a good environment to a better one but the reverse is the case here. That's when adaptation begins. I guess I have to get used to the new normal like I'd call it


I literally moved from light to darkness. There's no power supply over here and people with mobile devices and electronic gadgets are everywhere. It's making adaptation really hard.

Apart from that, every other thing is okay. The weather is favourable judging from the time of the year, the people are not as creepy as I thought they would be. Probably I'm saying that because I haven't really seen the people yet, but the few seen are normal humans for now. Cheers to the new life.

Today wasn't as hectic as it was supposed to be,(I guess) because first days are always so hectic, running up and down, being confused and all. Well, my quiet self was just walking slowly to my destinations and back. In fact it was awesome.


After walking, I headed straight home,prepared something to eat and slept afterwards. The rain was threatening to fall but didn't fall after all. Sweet sweet nap, but I'm back now. The day wasn't what you expected it to be right? I have the same view too. I hope y'all had a great day?

With love, wongi😊

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