Hundred Dollar Bills

We are going into the life of Tony, a recalcitrant student. Tony never liked anything School. He liked adventure, he liked freedom and anything that would take away his freedom was an enemy to him.

School was his first and long lasting enemy. One morning, he purposely missed the bus and decided to walk to school. That way, he'd be extremely late and would miss most classes. Funny fact is that Tony Ambrose never had a reseat in any of his results. He was an alpha level student even without putting effort.


All the lecturers knee him to be an intelligent yet recalcitrant student. He was always cunny and always had his ways of bypassing school work and any education related activity.

One day, he followed his normal routine of missing the bus and walking to school. As he was walking he found a $100 bill on the street. He walked past it after he put up so much resistance. He kept moving and a few blocks later he found another $100 bill just laying there. Things became suspicious. He overlooked it and kept walking and yet again he found another $100 bill and that was it. He had enough of the drama. He started following the track and picking up the money.


He was already extremely late for school but yet, he kept following the trail and it led to a valley. He walked and kept picking and then he started observing strange movements. He looked around and realized that he had been led to a kind of trap. Tony took to his heels and two men were after him.

He ran and threw all his belongings away. His assignment was in his school bag. That day, he managed to do his assignment but had no evidence. He ran straight to school because if he went home, he would have been questioned by his parents.


He entered class panting and all eyes were in him.

"Here comes our late comer. Submit your assignment and have a seat Tony" the lecturer said.

" Oh no! My assignment!" Tony exclaimed while touching his head.

" What excuse are you going to give this time?" She asked.

" Well ma… on my way here..I uuhmm encountered a dog and the dog ate my assignment" Tony said.

The whole class burst into laughter.

" Tony Ambrose, of all lies to come up with, this? Terrible. Take a seat and meet me after the class". The lecturer said.

Tony had closely escaped a trap and now he was in soup. His lecturer's soup. He couldn't even tell anyone what happened to him. After that day, Tony never missed the bus. He never tried walking to school. He learnt a lesson

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