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Golden-Tongued Wisdom

Have you ever been in a situation where you feel you got the answer to your questions from very insignificant things? Say you were looking for a direction and you see a billboard that says 'relax and keep going'. While that's what is call 'golden tongued wisdom'


I've had many experience with golden tongued wisdom and the signs are always right. They come in different forms. It could be a poster, a billboard, something that someone else says or from a song you're listening to, it comes in numerous ways.

There was a time where I was so bored and I was descending the stairs. My mind was totally blank and the only question that popped up was "God, what I'm I supposed to think about now?" I didn't expect to get an answer to such a trivial question but I did. I kept walking and I lifted my head and saw a sticker that read "think love".


I was so excited. I got an answer to my question. Another time was when I was on a journey with my mom. We were using the Google map to track the location and the google map led us to a dead end. We didn't know where to go and the people that we asked didn't seem to know the location either and then some people passed by and the only thing I heard from their conversation was "if only he turned left". I told my mom that we should take a left turn and she agreed after a while and we got to our location safely.


Golden tongued wisdom is a form which we get certain answers to our questions. The answers are always there staring back at you. It just requires you to look and understand. It could uplift your mood in one way or the other. Take that you have a bad day and you see something like 'smile'. Take more notice of the things in your environment.

Don't forget to have a great day..

With love, wongi 😊