Dance Day; Celebration Day

Doing what you love brings a different kind of joy to you. Is it ever possible to not 'be in the mood' to do something you enjoy doing? I guess there's a limit to all things.

Today was a big day. I had fun and at the same time I didn't. I had an event to attend today. It was a dinner-like event where people come, listen to talks, watch different performances and dine and wine to their satisfaction.

It kicked off by 4pm but I was already there by 2pm. As a youth, I decided to volunteer in the security section. I was crowned the first female to be in the security section, guess I like doing extraordinary things.


Alongside being in the security section, I had a performance too. I had a dance to present. Yes yes! A dance on stage after ages. I love dancing but I was already extremely exhausted from the sun and car arrangements. I got on stage and performed. It went well and I was grateful.

The day ended with food. Lots of food. Yet again I was serving the guests and so I didn't take any pictures from the day. There were traditional dishes, continental dishes, snacks of all sought, drinks, wines and it.

It was indeed a great day. I could definitely use a foot massage😅.

With love, wongi 😊

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