The importance of leading | New leaders emerging in POB

Leadership is present in every moment of our lives, from when we are children and we already notice which child instinctively decides the game that will happen or the one that pulls the front of the line while everyone else follows.

It's a natural act, which we start to notice when we grow up, and noticing its importance for our life, our personal relationships and, consequently, professional ones.

Some people like to lead, either because they feel more active in performing certain tasks, or because of the power that leadership exerts or even the greater monetary issue when in the workplace.

Others prefer to be led, do not want to deal with the responsibility that a leader will have to bear if something goes wrong, or fights that the leader will have to try to solve, meanwhile non-leaders can just observe from afar what is happening and stay with its conserved status quo.

Just as in life leadership issues are present, in HIVE it would be no different. A leader of a small group, feeling that he is not so represented in the immensity of the HIVE, creates a tribe and takes with him his horde of followers. And then the point that I want to bring in this text begins.

Often a lead can be in more than one place. Just as it can appear in a capital and an inner city. Leadership will be there to show a guide, not necessarily to exert power over others.

Often, small leaders, even with full autonomy over their subordinates, still consult large leaders to make decisions about what next steps to take, and that's what makes them a leader, knowing that they don't know everything.

Nobody asks to be a leader, this space is conquered, either in the worst way (by taking the strength), or in the conventional way, through dialogue and persuasion.

I have noticed in the last few weeks, great leaderships growing in the POB, and that makes me very happy (I think it is not necessary to name them at the moment, there is still a lot to be done). In the first few weeks we saw few voices wanting to take a stand and show their position and why they are here. Today I see it differently, it is already possible to notice several small fronts demarcating their territories, and this is very important for the growth of the community.

I have already put on my voting radar these users who are starting to stand out, as I believe they do deserve recognition (moral and financial), and I hope by the end of the year to be able to reward them even more, as I believe that the path they are on starting to walk now, in the next 4 months it will be well paved for the most prosperous to walk this road.

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