Was COVID19 Predicted In 2010 By A Secret Society Whistleblower?

In 2010 an online journalist team that specialises in helping expose whistleblower testimonies mentioned a meeting with a secret society member who predicted a 'flu-like' virus attack on China using a bioweapon. The description is remarkably close to COVID19. The video is below.


Bill Ryan is someone who is no stranger to interviewing unusual people in unusual situations. He has spoken with numerous alleged whistleblowers from secret projects and secret societies over the years about all manner of topics. In the following video clip (trimmed from a longer video) he recounts how an unnamed Freemasonic whistleblower told him the following:

  • A long term plan was underway involving secret society members at high levels in many major institutions to transform the world stage.
  • It involved a long chain of events, which were subject to change but which at that time included war and destabilisation strategies.
  • The plan involved the release of a genetically targeted, flu-like bioweapon on China, which would kill a large number of people and would then spread around the world.

It was not made clear whether the global transmission would be the result of mutation or part of the programming within the virus. There is substantial evidence that the bat coronavirus 'gain of function' research that plausibly led to the creation of COVID19 may have begun life in Fort Detrick, Maryland, US and was then 'outsourced' to labs in Wuhan, China due to legal pressure within the US. It is therefore also plausible that somehow this was intended to act as a means of insertion of the virus into China.

The whistleblower states that the group laughed at the phrase 'China will catch a cold' - which is a reference to the phrase 'If China sneezes, the world catches a cold'. The original phrase refers to China's influence on global commerce and when harm comes to them it tends to effect everyone. This is a well known phrase that even world leaders have used in public.

It is not yet known who the whistleblower here is but given the current global situation it seems to be a matter of global security that more details of this interview emerge:


Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

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