What might we do at home to make it less boring? πŸ˜‰

Hi friend of Hiver!
How long does it been since you have been out?
With me about 2-3 months ago 😭
But now I think staying at home it's ok! Not a big problem ( That's I think before ).
So if we can not go into the shopping center or coffee shop, we have to do something and forgot the feeling of the stress of boredom πŸ˜’ .
What are you doing when you bored?
I used to watch some movies funny πŸ˜„ may that make us happy at the time πŸ˜„
Or if you live with your family let's play some board games, I think that makes we are not bored πŸ˜„.
If we can move like before we did, but we can change another way make we happy πŸ˜‚.
We can deliver something like; coffee, pizza πŸ•, fruit πŸ‘ πŸ˜„
I hope you are all healthy and doing a good job on Hive Blog β˜ΊοΈπŸ‘ 😘



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