Monday Morning: Welcome to Hell!

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Hi, my dear friends!

I did not think that today I would write about the war again. But in the morning I called my daughter and son-in-law again to find out if they were alive, because fascist Russia bombed our cities again. When I woke up, I saw that in Kyiv there were rocket hits on residential buildings.

So fascist Russia continues its attempts to intimidate us. Putin has until mid-November. And now he is doing everything possible and impossible to force us to negotiate. But there is one rule, proven by life: you cannot negotiate with someone who has come to kill you!

This is the only way to negotiate with russian orcs:

Has Putin managed to scare us? Are our civilians ready to put pressure on our government for the sake of negotiations with fascist russia? No, no and NO! All he did was anger us even more and strengthen our determination to fight for our country to victory.

pic credit Kyiv. Children play in a Russian missile crater near a playground.

And I also wanted to tell you about the miraculous rescue of the cat you see in the photo. The unfortunate animal also came under rocket fire. Rescuers pulled him out from under the rubble of the building. You can see that the cat is in a state of shock, he has experienced a lot of stress and he is also badly injured. Now the cat is in the veterinary clinic where he was taken by volunteers. Whether its owners are still alive is unknown. But if he survives, he will definitely find a home, because we do not abandon either our people or our animals.

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House where the cat was found before and after shelling by Russian fascists. Many elderly people lived in this house. Of course, they posed a special threat to the Russian fascists, who would doubt it!

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Video of a cat being rescued from the rubble of a house blown up by Russian fascists in Kyiv. You see how the rescuers wrap the unfortunate animal in a thermal blanket.

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And this is another tailed hero. The whole world knows dog Patron who helps to look for mines. This dog helps our rescuers look for people and animals under the rubble of buildings after the bombing.

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Now many russians have changed their rhetoric. They want to look like "victims of the regime" even though they have supported russia's war against Ukraine since 2014. I want to say to them:

Don't try to put a crown of thorns on your heads! The crown will not fit on your devil's horns!

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