Save me from ETH gas fee for withdraw and deposit HIVE

I have transferring either withdrawing or deposit hive using , and most of the time i use eth wallet for those transaction . This burn so much more than how much i've been rewarded by curating in hive community . I think about 1/3 from all the transfer goes to gas burn . We already know that one of eth problem is the gas for processing eth process is too high. That's why they try solve the problem by introducing POS for ETH 2.0.


Today , i was thinking to deposit some USDT from my binance to hive. When i about to transfer my eth to my account , i was scrolling the other option for transferring and this is what i found .


I CAN TRANSFER THEM WITH DOGECOIN !!!! OMG !!! Then , for long time i has wasting all the hard rewarded curation by burn it on air. Where did i put my brain? OMG !!! I was so sad , but happy in the same time because i found another way to save a lot in future.

I'm not a good thinker , all i do is learning from previous tips from other which is available in hive . If there is none , i learn it by myself and it cost me a lot of try and error. I post this post , so it ll become benefit to people like me , where most of the time we learn by ourselves by try and error . They may some post from other , but we might didn't the write keyword to find them in google or other search engine . I hope this will reduce our try and error lesson .


Put your hive account name , and get the deposit address .


You can donate your doge coin to with my doge address at : DNYGUzAUjNgAZAWpPdHCRYxaChDJ87uBWq
I ll appreciate with any donation that i get . JUST KIDDING !!

Or , other step you can use is using to transfer your DOGE in your hive engine , and you can change it to any form of token u want . (Next process if you want to transfer it to your hive account , transfer it to swap-hive and withdraw it )

In hive-engine , you just hit DEPOSIT


You can deposit in many form ,


But , our objective today is to transfer our DOGE into swap-engine


And it ll give and address to transfer your doge , hive-engine will charge your 1% transaction but it is much better than eth gas for certain amount.

You may know this technique but someone out there is just like me lost and i would really appreciate if i found this way before . I hope this will help you.

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