POBphotocontest new round : METAL

Greetings to everyone,

How are you? I hope you have a good day today that is better than yesterday.

POBPhotoContest: Metal

This is the golden metal dragon door knob. This photo was taken by me at Peak Nam Toong Temple.

The photo is my entry for the POBPhotoContest hosted by @friendlymoose.

Check out the contest link here

The dragon is a symbol of a strong entity in Chinese culture. The golden metal dragon door knob was a symbol that the spirit of the dragon was protecting the door of the temple, as the door was the main entrance for people or other spirits to get inside the temple. Beside this door knob, you can see other dragon sculptures being made around the temple. (Can you see the roof of this temple)?

Lions sculpture at the entrance of the temple as one of the protector of this temple.

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