POBphotocontest New Round: ENERGY

Greeting all,

How are you? I hope you have an awesome day today that is better than yesterday.

POBphotocontest New Round: Energy

This is my entry for the POBphotocontest New Round: Energy, hosted by @friendlymoose.

If you are interested in joining the contest, feel free to check out THIS LINK

The first thing that comes to mind when we talk about energy is coffee. To be exact, the original black coffee is served with plain bread.

This bitter-tasting coffee can give me an energy boost and an anti-sleepy effect, especially in the early morning, and it will be perfect when served with fluffy home-made bread.

This photo was taken at my favourite restaurant that still sells the cheapest coffee in town. They still used the old-time favourite coffee that was made locally in a place called TENOM in my place. That is why this coffee was called Kopi Tenom.

This energy booster looks simple, and I believe @menzo will also agree with me on this..

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