POBphotocontest New Round: ROADS


Good morning everyone,

How are you? I hope you have a good day today that is better than yesterday.

POBphotocontest New Round: ROADS

The first photo is my entry for the POBPhotoContest with this week's theme: ROADS, hosted by @friendlymoose.

Check out the contest link here

The photo was taken from a cable car with an above-ground view of SAPA village. The snake line in the middle of the photo is part of the main road from the city that connects to a local village in SAPA. The road was still not paved with asphalt and still made of red dirt, which is still in good condition unless it is raining. I still remember that I was in an accident on some part of the road when it was covered in red soil mud after raining. It was a bad experience, but it remains one of my favourite memories of that place.

The other photo shows a series of sky views from the cable car. Is it a beautiful view? I miss this view so much and wish to visit this place again in the future. Thanks for stopping by; see you in another post!

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