Little By Little is the Way to Build

This is a letter to anyone read me who is embarking on a mission to execute every strategy there is to better oneself over trying to mentally perfect it. I will be the first to admit that I have this obsession with how what I need to do comes out instead of looking for ways to enjoy doing it a little bit more.


It is time. Time to reach within for what you know you hold and play a role in freeing yourself. From where you stand, the view might be something your inner perfectionist can't work with but past your blinded ego is a way out.

The universe has sent you enough messages and your intuitive interface has offered a bunch of clues but somehow your affair with procrastination has convinced you that you have time when actually you don't. Have you ever seen yourself waste the time you badly need to do constructive things?

When you encounter another soul doing what yours craves to do, you bite your fingers wish fully like it is something alien to your bones. It is the nerve to constantly ignore what would build you due to the cowardliness of how much it costs that baffles the universe.

How can your psyche work tirelessly to create the magic it does only for you and your caged ego spend more time trying to edit it into this idea of representable content for a carefree readership. Who said art has a particular way of being perfect?

Why would anyone want an impure version of your brainchild? Art should be left for those who value it to interpret it for their souls, not for you and your brainwashed impression of it. And no artist would be themselves if they keep/kept holding themselves back when they are creating what they can.

Everything anyone has ever been good at has taken their commitment to commit mistakes that would etch their resilience into better results. It is through the culture of practice that you get to wield the skill it comes with.

On that note, waiting to have the best of circumstances to create from or to even birth the initial idea at all would then be expecting yourself to be good at something you don't/haven't taken every available opportunity to be good at and be sure that there is no way will ever work.

If there is no other way to learn other than through the act of participating in the action then immersing oneself in the activity is highly recommended. If the desire is to one day be a better artist then taking part in one's growth towards that goal is paramount.

I can only write better if I make those grammar mistakes first and I can only scribe from a wider range if I engage in reading widely. Swahili ancestors say, 'haba na haba hujaza kibaba' which loosely translates to little by little is how you fill up anything and I dare forget to apply it everywhere.

...wambuku w.

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