Why is it important to have breakfast in the morning?

Why is it important to have breakfast in the morning?



  • There are many benefits of eating breakfast in the morning, adopting this habit helps maintain a healthy weight along with energy, reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

  • References to it While discussing the benefits of breakfast in ARY News' program Awabar Sawira, Diet Consultant Dr. Arij Haroon said that people who eat breakfast regularly lose weight and those who don't go for weight loss.

  • He said that breakfast is called breakfast in English because there is a break after staying on an empty stomach all night (fast). It provides glucose, which increases energy in the body and makes a person fat. Apart from this, the essential nutrients for good health are available.

  • Dr. Arij Haroon said that you should stop eating three hours before going to bed at night, it also relaxes the stomach and the food is used in your body by morning.

  • He said that good nutrition is also very important i.e. what is being eaten should be nutritious and should contain all the essential nutrients.

  • If for some reason breakfast is missed, try to have a meal in the afternoon or evening that makes up for the lack of breakfast. This does not mean to eat more, but to add the nutrients that were left

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