Man and Allah

Man and Allah

  • After the concept of Allah, the second most important problem of Sufism is the relationship between man and Allah. Man and Allah share some attributes, then the question arises whether man is a partner of Allah. In reality, man is not a partner of Allah. He is blessed by Allah, he is the reflection of Allah, thus man is not a partner of Allah, but is in need of Him. Allah has created man to express Himself. Is


  • What did we do with this evil entity?
    This is your color, oh Nasha Zhoor
    God is shining in man and the universe as if the whole universe is a mirror in which God's essence is reflected. According to Sophia, in order to reach God, we should polish the mirror of our heart, then the existence of God will be seen in it. As if we can say so
    Your letter cannot be used in unity
    Can the mirror show you the face?
    Since when did we pass you by?
    What is it, apparently, did not travel
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