Is the Flu being PCR tested as Covid? Big Lie Just Got Bigger in Oz


Although I tacked some pics onto the end of my Pfizer post it is worthy and maybe even important enough, to need a bigger stage.

PCR recall and the Flu

At the very least I hope it gets some zombie Aussies up and questioning WTF is happening here. I hope with all my heart the truckers block the highways as they have promised too.
Our govt is illegal and must be removed.

Once the 18mths of brainwashing and fear had taken root, our critical thinking was just snipped away with stress, isolation and the repeated media propaganda - same on all channels. Most of the public had no chance, rational brain unplugged and decisions now made by the State.


After December 31, 2021, CDC will withdraw the request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, the assay first introduced in February 2020 for detection of SARS-CoV-2 only.

REASON for withdrawl because it gives 90% false positives. Any cold or flu will test positive, which is why testing for cases with PCR must stop, the Health advisor Chant removed, emergency powers of govt recinded and mandates abolished.


At least that is what a sane and logical government would do. Wonder when our regime will stop playing footsy and exercise deadly force. I pray they do it publicly. I pray it goes viral. Surely Aussies would not allow protesters to be shot by modern day gestapo?

But when my search for flu stats gave me the results below;
its a normal rational assumption given we might be using pcr test that show orange juice as having covid.
Whats NOT NORMAL is if the media censor or burys the question.

certainly looks like the flu has been used to drive up covid numbers and the media here is not fringe be top shelf authority info. Hey joe public, show yr friends, ask at work, if you have a job

Is this Normal?

Would this happen if the govt cared about health? NO
Would every channel have the same fear and stress message day in day out? NO.
Would Chant ignore expert advice that advised masks are BAD and lockdowns DO NOTHING to help? NO
but she is not only ignoring this advice she is doing the opposite to HURT CITIZENS.



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