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Bizarre Side Effect After Jab or Covid Making Eating a Torture


There is a little reported but horrific side affect caused by Covid and/or the vaccine (jury remains out on a definitive cause) with the medical name of Parosmia

This affliction was known before the pandemic but since covid and the vaccine rollout, anecdotal reports on social media are gathering numbers like a snowball.

In essence Parosmia is a rewiring of a persons sense of smell. Which in turn means a rewiring of a persons sense of taste. And the rewiring is quite frightening as normal food, everyday items, suddenly taste like rotten flesh, putrid garbage, chemical smoke, sewers and cesspits.

Think about that for a minute. All food, rancid and rotten.

Everything you smell or taste is flipped into an aweful parody of what was once a joy, and for many it never goes back to normal.
This link will take you to support groups if you need to explore what can be done, and where to go for more tech info.

Eating becomes torture, literally a personal hell.

How does it happen?

Medical experts describe what happens as the receptors in the olfactory bulb (see above) gets disconnected from the part of the brain that analyses the messages the bulb sends.
Then when the body recovers from the trauma of the vaccine/covid episode the bulbs connections reconnect to different receptor than before mangling and distorting what you perceive as smell and taste.

For those who skipped human biology, what you taste with you mouth and tongue is limited to sweet, sour, salty, bitter. Most of the flavour comes from the molecules of the food going up the back of your throat to hit the bulb from behind.

stock medical images

Prior to covid and the worlds governments irrational push to get everyone jabbed with experimental gene therapy, Parosmia was very rare and usually cause by cancer treatments or radiation of some type. So sufferers today often keep silent about it assuming its a mental glitch that will go back to normal, or afraid others will label them as crazy.

It's not a glitch. You are sane. You're not alone.

Parosmia can be debilitating and lead to dangerous weight loss, even anorexia. Although there is no magic wand cure, some people do recover, so hold onto hope and join up with the online groups to get suggestion on what works or lessens what is surely one side affect only monsters would dare to label as minor on FDA disclaimers. Or would they?

The WHO would never allow an injectable treatment to be distributed globally that according to data from Israel, made you both a transmitter & vunerable to covid making it even easier to catch than before.

But thats exactly what has happened.

Stay healthy out there, think critically, do not believe the media, and wakeup. Take advice from your family doctor, not an uncaring government that continues to lie to citizens.

They will come for your kids soon. Maybe then Australia will withdraw our consent.