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About "The Science" & the Price of Failure

I've always pictured a scientist saying Eureka as he discovers time travel, or antigravity etc. Unfortunately the very meaning of the word science is debated since its been weaponised into a propaganda tool by a very UN-scientific group of plainly bad actors. This is the crowd that changes definitions to suit their narratives. Example; when the definition of herd immunity was altered by WHO.

The hubris, sheer arrogance of those in power is shocking. Just as a definition was changed the meaning and use of science is also under attack. Watch the Darkhorse duo go head to head as bigpharma and all the assoc power players Fauci et al refuse to accept evidence, keep try to debunk Ivermectin as an alternative to experimental vaccines / push to ridicule the lableak.


A lot of the time it seems that the opposing side is not only distorting facts and meanings, but they have voluntarily forgotten how to think critically and that the process that we call science has any arbitrary rules they care to bestow upon it.
Below is the definition of what the "karens" and media are doing regarding the virus.
And its turning our society into a Fascist police state


The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.
George Orwell

Link to an excellent review of 1984 is in the image above. Everyone should watch this, The similarity to our global situation is completely in synch.

On this totalitarianism road we are on, even if a scientist yells Eureka, those around him won't know the words meaning.


"To learn who rules over you, find out whom you are not allowed to criticize."
-- Voltaire