I can see that I am getting very well inactive on the blockchain most especially in blogging. This is not something I like but my quite busy life keeps me away.

I am someone who has a goal of building his account but it would very much impossible if I don't get myself active here especially in blogging daily. Seeing that it is 4 days now that I created my last post and that every day seems to draw me further away, I decided to create time to write this article sharing what I have been doing. Asides that, my future blogs would be more of a daily diary from now, sharing and discussing what I do daily. With that, I would be able to achieve daily blogging. So, what have I been doing?

1. Working On A Project From School

Most of the activities that keeps me busy in general is school but right now, I am working on a very small project assignment given from school. The project topic is building an Automatic Street Light Sensor. The Project contains a group of 10 students, in which we would contribute in building and making reports of the project.


The circuit diagram above is what we followed in building the project. The circuit diagram was taken from google from this site: https://circuits-diy.com/amp/automatic-street-light-controller-circuit-using-relays-and-ldr/. So it was first run on proteus to see if the circuit is good to go before we decided to buy the components in building the project.

The components included: A 12v battery, a 12v relay, two npn transistors, 1k and 100k ohmn transistors, LDR sensor, and some connecting wires. After buying these components, we tried it on a breadboard before taking it for soldering on a veroboard.



2. Working on Multiple Assignments

We all know how school is especially with assignments. I may get home from school at evening tired, and still have assignments to do. I would not lie, many of the assignments, if I am not able to do them especially on time, I just copy from a friend and try get the whole idea of the assignments later.

3. Less than 2 weeks to Exams

Right now, I have less than 2 weeks to another exams. I know right, it feels just like yesterday that I wrote one exam and then, I am writing another. My school is actually rushing the session and we are using just two months to cover 12 weeks of lectures then exams comes up after.

Presently, I am having 12 courses this semester with one practical course which makes it 11 exams I would be writing. The truth is out of that 12 courses, there is no single one I have read close to half way. I have a lot to cover and read through in less than 2 weeks before writing the exams.

I totally hope that the exams be postponed to next month but still, I need to prepare well for the exams so that I would not end up failing and worst, getting a carry over on a course.

These are mainly what takes my time but for my weekends, it is totally occupied with church rehearsals. I spend the whole day doing that and the evenings resting or sleeping preparing for the next day.

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