Do you feed your brain daily?

Every day your brain absorbs everything around you, be it useful information or junk. The information you feed your brain is something that in the long run will make a significant difference in your life.


A famous investor named Warren Buffet, for example, is famous for reading about 500 pages a day, about investment, so today he has become a monster when it comes to finance.

Reading or listening to audiobooks is a way to feed the brain without the need to live the different experiences in life. The brain is like a sponge that expands when fed with good and new information.

The brain is intelligent and filters out repetitive information or what it thinks is useless, leaving that information as if it were noise. It is not for nothing that when we are in mutitude we hear only noises, but when someone calls our name we hear it absolutely right.

This happens a lot with people who are learning new languages, the brain listens to senseless things and starts to ignore, so you lose focus on the language you want to learn. They say that children's brains don't have this filter, so they learn new languages ​​more easily. However, this does not prevent adults with an effort to overcome this challenge.


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