The Sad Truth


This world we live in is a funny place, our values are warped and strange, that is how it seems to me at least. We often leave the simple, obvious truth aside and go hunting for stuff which seems more classy, erudite and one that massages our ego. Perchance that something makes us look more noble or important in the eyes of others. Do we really hate simplicity that much?

Often the answers to our problems are right in front of our eyes, but we think they are not sophisticated enough or valuable enough and go hunting for answers or shades of the truth which seem more colorful, well attired and more appealing.

Have you ever approached a math problem from a complicated angle only to find that a simple formula could have solved the problem in a few seconds but you went meandering all around the country side?

Sometimes the truth is a very simple, obvious fact, maybe too common to be an attention grabber. Maybe it makes you look like a simpleton or doesn't suit your high estate.

However, the truth has always been simple, probably that is why it is called the naked truth. It doesn't have to dress itself, cover its flaws with and paint and powder to make it more attractive. The truth is the rugged truth. It really doesn't change much. Facts change as we discover newer dimensions but the truth doesn't change.

Truth doesn't often have too many dimensions, there is simplicity in truth. It can be tested any number of times and the answer would remain the same. However, the truth never really catches people fancy. Try speaking the truth and tell people about your troubles they might look at you as if you are stupid. Wail, put on some tears and make a scene you'll have hundreds of people pay attention to you and at least a couple who would try to help you.

Good is good and evil is evil, you cannot change that. You cannot make bad seem good, unless of course you have ulterior motives? Another reason could be you are totally off the track.

Have you noticed that when poor people are suffering and crying out against injustice nothing much happens, however when the baddies are hit hard all hell breaks loose?

The truth really has a weak voice. The world loves drama. Watch the news, only dramatic breaking news catches people's attention. So truth is almost always sacrificed on the altar of drama everywhere. It is dressed up to make it seem alluring.

Does that mean that truth has no value? The value of truth is never in the market place, it doesn't waver, it is consistent. Being just black or white it is not very attractive.

However, truth is a choice we make, it is the proof of our character and the proof is revealed in how consistent it remains in every circumstance. It is simplicity at its best and living by what we value most, not just to seem valuable in the eyes of others.

Truth may not attract attention but it stands the test of time.

Have you ever wondered if anything you hear today is the plain and simple truth?
Can you take every thing you hear at face value?

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