Life Lessons From My Experience

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Life is one long process of learning, in fact we never stop leaning until our last breath. There are so many lessons I have learned from life and here are some I have would like to share with you. You don’t always have to make the mistakes others made to learn; you could always learn from the experience of others.

Never stop learning
When you do, you stop living and you just exist. Learning keeps you feeling young and relevant in the society you live in. I never feel old or irrelevant purely because I love learning. Just so I can enjoy the company of my son’s some more I spent time learning about F1 circuits and races. This I feel has taken my relationship with my boys one step closer.

Money isn’t everything
In fact money doesn’t solve any problems, if at all, money causes a few problems I would say. I have been on both sides of the spectrum, the best days of my life would be those when we (hubs and I) lived with bare minimal resources but a whole lot of love, understanding and togetherness.

Life is short make the best of it
This fragility of life often makes me want to live each moment with zeal and gusto. I want to live my best live every moment. Two incidents struck home so forcefully that I believe I need to make each moment of my life count. My nephew aged 25 died in a freak accident while driving his bike cautiously and carefully on an traffic free road. My mom was talking to me about her future plans on Thursday afternoon and two hours later my brother informed me about her passing on. I learned then never to take life for granted.


Learn to enjoy the small things in life
It’s the small things that keep your spirits up day after day, big things in life take time to materialize so don’t hang your happiness on your sleeve and wait for something to happen before you are happy. Enjoy each moment of life.

Happiness comes from within
Go find your happiness. Do not go searching for happiness outside of yourself. Depending on others to make you happy leaves you having no control over your own emotions or your life.

Love is not a feeling it is an attitude
That is true, love is a choice that you make. Don’t look for perfection in love, remember you are not perfect yourself. Love is not a constant high. Like life, love consists of high and lows, learn to tide over the lows and ride the highs when they come.

Find inner peace
This is something all of us need, life without peace is hell. Peace is something you need to find and cultivate. When you have mastered peace, you remain the same no matter what the weather of life is like.


Slow down and enjoy life
Life is to be lived, do not make it a race. Live in the now, make the best of your time and make sure you have fun even as you work towards your goals.

Focus on your health
It's not easy to get it back once its gone. Prevention is better than cure they say, but I would say it is wise to focus on an active and healthy life style from a young age. I have failed badly in this area, I would love others to learn from my mistakes.

Let go of fear, anxiety and envy, these feelings ruin your life. Learn to handle fear and anxiety as they come in the way of a happy life. Envy or jealousy are something that should not have any place in your life, avoid it like plague.

Negativity can make the best life look like misery. Learn to be positive in your approach, get rid of any kind of negativity in your life.

Faith and hope are the best gifts you can have. My life has run on faith and hope alone in some phases. Just faith and hope has brought me out of life long sickness and pain. Faith in God and his goodness alone can lift us of the greatest despair.


Make the best of what you have
It took me along time to feel content with what I have but once I tasted contentment, I have decided not to let other things come in the way of enjoying the people around me, loving them more and making good use of my resources without needing to have more.

Value yourself
When you constantly look for validation from others you may be disappointed. When you learn to validate and respect yourself you live a more satisfied life.

Winning isn’t everything
We learn from loses more than we learn from our wins. Treat both loses and win in the same way, don’t make one seem better than the other. Learn from your mistakes. Loses are mistakes we set right as we progress in life.

Believe in yourself
No one can ever do that for you. Give yourself your due, trust yourself. If you don’t no one ever will. Respect yourself, respect others. One doesn't happen without the other.

Thank you for taking the time to read.

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