
As above , as below ;-)


It's bin a while ago that i did some kind of post . Not because nothing is happening in my life , but more because there is so match going on that takes my attention . And to be honest ,... Hive is not that real to me ,.. and writing is just words in the end . Where to me words are silver and actions are gold . Like yo all can't DV my actions , actions that come from my skills .

Either it be skills in Splinterlands that give me income from playing , renting out and airdrops , or it be me doing some serious welding and mechanics in exchange for some crypto's with the minimum in equipment and tools . Yes , Hive to me turned in to a online magazine , where i read and upvote what was entertaining to me . Felt good to be away from the toxic part that always is there when you post some content . And sure , i could have made lots of pob by just doing some post's about my progress in getting settled in Liberstad Norway . I just didn't feel the need to do that , for it ain't that interesting and would be like doing daily FB posts on my shit in the bowl . ,.... That , and flying low under the radar is at this time in my life the better option for multiple reasons .


Picture above is my new home , a fully working line bus , rebuild as a camper . Where i have to say , driving that without a license did not hurt me a bit ,.. as a fact , it saved me a lot off cash bringing it in below the radar . Like at night with no license plates or any other governmental papers to do so . I only hit one bridge edge with the right back-wheels and did not crash in to a rock .
Really not a thing to put up on the internet , so consider the last lines i wrote as utter bullshit ,... i did not do that ;-) .


What i did do was build in a 14kw wood burner , where i made the hot exhaust go true the bench . This will keep my ass warm during the cold and dark long winter ahead . Winter in this place gets up to -25c or even worse .


Now if this was a house i would be doing something very illegal , but it's a bus , so there is no problem . I can put this pictures up without getting a visit from regulators that will shut it down and fine me .

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The bench is filled up with rocks to keep the warmth as long as possible . To start it up the exhaust needs some pré heating with a paint stripper gun to get the flow going . Still working on improvements do , like a fan that pulls the smoke true the pipes . Because for now it's a pain to trow on some extra logs .


In all it is a good place to chill now , with a very nice view true it's many windows . Still i have to do some works to get it right . Like i am not yet at the place where it will be parked for a long time . There is no electricity there yet , and there planning some rock blasting near that spot to . My gas cooker is not connected , the bathroom is a mess and the water tanks are not isolated .


Well at least the fridge is working to keep some cold beers ,..... and when the engine is running ,..... the bus doors work on a button and go whahoosjjj-flap . Witch entertains me more then most post's on any social media can ever do .

A lot of things to do , things that will probably keep me busy and leave little time for socializing on the net . Might even change my name to Busman-life , as i have no truck , or family ;-) . Ill be around , reading some and leaving some upvotes . ... or comment .

Peace to all , and a very nice day :-)

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