How You React When Someone Misspell Your Name?


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A beautiful name is better than a lots of wealth and this is a kind of proverb that said by wise legend. I agree with it and I'm sure most of the people will agree too.

When we born our parents or family gives us a beautiful name to call with the name for lifetime. So this is my concern that, how should be our reaction when someone misspelling our good name?

Why today I'm going to talk about this topic right? Well, after such a long time I find someone spelling my name wrong and it was a bad transformation LOL!

Let me share you all my name once again and its SHOHANA. I love to see my name in block letters, I don't know why but this is my choice or preference.

Actually, I'm not over possessive about the spelling of my name when people spell it from SHOHANA to Sohana. Well its somehow acceptable, but what if someone spelling it Sahana 😂? Its completely the name of other person not mine obviously.

So in such situation I find myself crazy and my expression is like the photo I'm attaching with this article. Its my concern that people around me can't misspell my name. This is the thing I can't let go and speak up to correct it immediately. It may sounds crazy but this is honest statement from my side.

So what about you? Maybe not crazy like me. Sometimes I don't mind if some people write Sohana instead the real one SHOHANA but except this one I can't even imagine myself with the name transformation LOL.

Don't sink into Over thinking, if you correct them what will be their reaction, how they'll take it? Well, if you are doing wrong, I've full right to correct you, you should be wise enough to correct your mistake, right? So I don't care how It'll sound.

Many people transform names in a bad way, make a different word that sounds really bad and sometimes match the name of animals. Make fun of names is really bad, many kids find it as bullying and feel down for this. But its a kind of sin according to religious views. So if you correcting other’s misspelling, you are saving them from committing sin. This is another part of this issue.

So this is not good to misspell with intention. If this is our mistake, we have to accept it and correct it right there. I mind on such situation when they don't correct it and feel themselves correct. Anyway, we shouldn’t misspell other’s name intentionally.

Thanks for taking time to read and showing love to me to be an active author on hive.
Take love! 💖

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