Brownie's Road Trip ... And His Yellow Ball

Brownie was the definition of a couch dog. If you look couch dog on Wikipedia, you'll probably find a photo of Brownie on it. He was the most lazy dog in the world, and would only get out of the couch for two reasons: Food and his yellow ball. Of course he would go outside when nature called, but besides that, only food and yellow ball. His owners would hide the yellow ball from him, because we was really addicted to it, but from time to time they would toss it around and make him run a little bit.
One day, while he was playing with the ball, his owner went outside to get the mail. On his frenzy for the ball, it slipped from his mouth and went right through the door. Brownie didn't think twice and went after it, running like a mad dog to catch his precious ball. Unfortunately, the ball went to the street, got hit by a car and was sent flying away to the end of the street, where another car hit it and sent it even further. Brownie was not going to give up and ran as fast as he could to catch it, but the sweet moment he bit the ball, the sour reality hit him: He was now lost, away from home and his couch! So the first thing he did was...


Brownie tried to smell his owners, but he was quite far away, he kept walking, when he found a group of stray dogs, who at that moment were gathered planning their daily rounds to look for food ...

Hey !!! You!!! What do you do for these areas? Because of your features and the necklace, you are not one of us ...
The peterete said with sarcasm an old stray dog ​​while he sniffed it ...

HEY! HEY! well ... not exactly, "replied Brownie," I am lost, I left the house like lightning, behind my yellow ball and then I no longer knew where I was ...

Ha ha ha ha… typical of a pet dog !!! They don't know anything about life, just eat, sleep and be the shadow of their owners ... Shaw a small dog, Max a medium Creole dog and Tom muttered.

Brownie didn't like his comments… and he said ..
At least I live in a warm house and I have food every day ahhh! and of course my yellow ball ...

OK OK okay!! they responded,

to have…

You should at least know the name of the street?

Mmm mm ... No ... I really don't know ... Brownie replied ...

Well the color of the house? They asked.

No ... I don't know either. Said brownie

Ufff !!! At least you know your name right?

Yes yes ... That yes ... He called me brownie answered with joy

Hahahahaha it has the name of a sweet ... The others laughed.

Well ... Let's be more empathetic with our beloved brownie and stop the laughs ... Terry said a quite old German Shepherd.

We will help you find your home ... We start with you remembering something ... Be it a sound that you will hear every day or a smell, something that was peculiar from day to day.

Brownie was trying to remember, so he closed his eyes and concentrated ...
Mmmm… I remember something !!! He exclaimed…

always when going out in the afternoons to pee .. I remember seeing behind the houses in front a big ball that rotated with colors and people sitting on its ends… By the way it seemed something quite strange to me. How can people fly in a spinning ball?

There is my dear Brownie !! So naive… That ball must be the winston street amusement park, 'Terry replied.

To what Max says ... We are 4 blocks from the park, if we get there it is only a matter of passing between the houses and we arrive at the house of our friend the sweet ...

Hey !! My name is brownie !!

Ok ok Brownie ..

They began their march in search of the home of brownie ...

On the way they came across 2 opossums coming out of a jewelry store with a bag full of beautiful rings ...

Amazed Brownie asked !!!

And who are you?

They are lily and susy, their passion is shiny things, like the diamonds you see in the rings, they stay with them and they give the gold to the rats in the sewer on the corner, you are exchanged for cheese with the clan of the neighborhood cats and they take it to their owners in the Monte Real workshop that is one block from here, it's a whole business ...

Fence!!! Brownie exclaimed in amazement ...

They kept walking and a couple more blocks ...
runs!!! Brownie run !!! They screamed peterete and tom.

The kennel truck is coming !!!

Brownie ran without thinking and without knowing why if he already had his ball, what else could be important?

They hid under an old house and tired brownie fell on the floor ...

Ufff I'm dead !!! Why were we running? Someone explain to me?
Brownie said as his tongue was still out ...

Shaw said ... My dear furry cake ... They are from the kennel, they are in charge of picking up all the dogs they find in the street and they take them to a very ugly place ... Where it is dark, cold, they say that not all of them make it out alive. there ... they are beaten and then used for fights, where they can die trying ...

Brownie was scared and perplexed… !!! And he said… And every day you must flee? Why are they homeless? Why don't they have a master like me?

To which Terry responds.

Brownie friend we all live in a home at some point, but we were not as lucky as you, our masters abandoned us ...

Max was abandoned because his owner decided to travel and he was not in his plans.

Peterete was happy but his owners abandoned him because a new member of the family arrived and he was already left over, one night they took him very far and did not return.

Shaw and Tom were part of the same family, but their owners for some reason distanced themselves and in their lawsuits they decided not to take care of them anymore.

And I ... An old dog, who no longer sniffed, my owner one day went out on a mission, his mother never had patience with me and abandoned me ... Without smell I did not know how to return home, so ... I understand you perfectly brownie ...

Meanwhile, in the brownie home, its owners made posters to be pasted on the posts and walls, they were very sad, they loved brownie and wanted to have him back ... Sammy the little Sammy felt very sad, Brownie was his companion ... His friends loved him they helped in the search. While he was telling them how great it was to have a pet, even though he was as lazy as Brownie was ...

Brownie and the others arrive at the park, he is amazed with so many things that he had never seen.

Go!!! Brownie we must carry on, we're close now, said Terry

They continued until they reached the wheel and brownie with amazement saw that ball that was spinning and appreciated from his home ...

This is it !!! It is the ball with people flying in it… We are close !!

He said brownie while he ran chasing his tail ...

Go Go!!! It said max.

They continued between the houses and as he walked ... Brownie caught a familiar scent.

Shaw tells him… Look !!! furry cake your picture is on that wall ...

Oh wao !! it's me!!! How handsome I look ... Brownie exclaimed ...

Hahahahaha everyone laughed ...

Fence they want you brownie, your owners are looking for you.

Yes Yes ... let's continue friends, I want to get home ...

To my couch… He was muttering brownie.

A few steps away, Sammy was with his friends, when suddenly they look at the dogs and among them came Brownie ...

Ohhh !!! Brownie, my dear Brownie you are here !!! Sammy ran over and hugged him.

Terry, Max, Peterete, Shaw and Tom ... They were glad to have helped him, and they were already going to leave, to which brownie barks and barks calling them,

guys don't go !!!

To which Sammy ... He calls them and caresses them to thank them and his friends come over and caress them too.

Parents arrive and happy to see Brownie get together too ...

Brownie plays with his street friends happy to arrive at his home… To which Sammy says… I have an idea !!!

What if you guys adopt these brownie friends?

None of them had pets yet ... They talked to his parents and managed to convince them.

Terry was adopted by Brownie's family and the others by Sammy's friends ...


Every afternoon they go out to play in the park and they still call him the "furry cake", during the day Brownie is still the sofa dog, but in the afternoons everyone shares the beautiful yellow ball that was the cause of this beautiful friendship.

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