89 Years Later And We Have Arrived Its A Brave New World


The #Federal #Reserve has already stated monetary policy is made based upon the vaccination rate of the society. A number we have now witnessed is a moving target. Inflation will remain high because, it will eventually draw people into the work force causing them to become #vaccinated. Money printing will never stop because every 3 to 6 months their will be a portion of the society that will decline to receive another jab boosting #unvaccinated rates. Therefor they have told us to prepare to live within a controlled economy. Based upon regular inoculations of #pharmaceutical means. And no one questions why the previous two Democrats have not given people access to #healthcare, but given the healthcare industry access to peoples their #wallets and their tax money? #Aldous #Huxley had a name for a pill in his book " Brave New World" in which a #technocratic #government relied on pharmaceutical interventions to subdue the population to meet the government needs while also pacifying the society within their individual comforts to the point where the #society had no real intellectual concept or need to figure out what their government was really doing. This book was published in 1932. We have finally arrived as the government has issued an ultimatum take "Take this shot or lose everything you hold dear"

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