Proof of Brain Update - Voting Governance and New Changes

One argument continuously debated on virtually all layers of the Hive ecosystem has been that of voting. This article intends to discuss an area for improvement within the Proof of Brain tribe that revolves around voting governance. A goal is to promote a balance with voting that currently does not exist within this community.

Image by jessica45 from Pixabay


Article Inspiration

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Inspiration for this article came from a discussion I had with @proofofbrainio and @memeisfun on the POB discord. POB mentioned that he wanted to use his voting power to counter downvotes. However, he has the same problem everyone else has when they want to enact change.

There is no time to sort through everything.
We need help!

How do we identify those articles receiving a downvote? How can people communicate someone downvoted their writing in the Proof of Brain Community? The people of this community have expressed a need that those with a stake in the platform must address.

Proof of Brain exists on the Hive ecosystem, but it did not possess a counter-DV service for the POB-token that exists for Hive until now.


Potential Solution

Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay

Potential Solution

The Proof of Brain Discord has a new channel called Voting Review. If you feel you've received a Downvote in error:

  1. Add a link to an article you wish to have reviewed.
  2. State why you believe the article needs a counter-DV.
  3. At this time, we should only look at articles who have had all their rewards removed (opinion).
  4. POB, or anyone else for that matter, should review the entry, make their decision, and apply their upvotes as necessary to counter the DV.

While the whales of POB will have the most significant impact regarding a counter-DV here, community support is also highly desired. It's difficult, if not impossible, to continue a project without community support. Anyone who has tried running a contest or pursued other ventures on Hive can attest to this fact.

Discord Invite

If you haven't joined our Discord, you may do so with the following link:

Proof of Brain Discord Invite


Would you please comment in the remarks below if you have any other ideas about countering votes in the Proof of Brain Community? I welcome good or bad comments. I only ask that you keep it professional.

I feel there could be different approaches here, but this is the most viable for now. For example, it would be easier to report them to a familiar location where a larger group can review the article. It's much more difficult to scroll through hundreds of articles to counter a DV.


Why Counter a Downvote?

Image by Bruno /Germany from Pixabay

The Hive blogging platform utilizes counters to bring some level of balance. Hive and POB use the downvote as a means to counter posts rewarded as a result of abuse.

For example, in Proof of Brain, when I encounter a plagiarized article, I notify the author, remove the rewards down to zero, and ask for help if needed. If the author corrects the article and informs me, I'll review and remove the downvote. My downvote is a counter against the rewards of plagiarized writing. The justification I provide for the DV acts to notify the community that the downvote was deliberate and researched.

What if I didn't plagiarize my article?
What if someone DV's my article because they felt I made too much?

In the overrewarded case, you can submit your article for the redemption of POB rewards. If we agree, then we counter. The counter should at least be high enough to negate the downvote.

Gap in POB Capabilities

Until now, the Proof of Brain community did not have a balance to voting. Hive has the Freeze Peach initiative that allows users to submit their articles for a counter-DV to negate the reward removal. Such a service didn't exist for us.

Thank you, everyone, for your attention.
And now, for another update!


Tribe 2.0 Site

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

@proofofbrainio is working hard to deliver us a new POB outpost. Aggroed and his team of developers created many new features. According to POB's discussions on Discord, we should be ready in a couple of weeks to start transitioning.

Follow @proofofbrainio for more news on the situation!


In Closing

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

I look forward to providing more in the future. Thank you for reading and following on throughout my Hive journey.

Voting is clearly a hot topic. I apologize for not covering other aspects of voting, but I do not have the information or history to comment knowledgably about everyone's concerns. Unfortunately, I am only capable to trying to change our tribe one step at a time.

If you like this article, please consider upvoting and following @scholaris!

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