Insight and the Light (POB Street)

90% (staked) rewards from this article are assigned to @insight.pob. It's my analysis, but it's his content I'm evaluating.

The POB Street project is a positive light for the community. It allows members to address daily topics and express their Insight, opinions, and concerns. The project, created by @insight.pob and @onealfa.pob, enables us to discuss problems within the community and their potential solutions.

Image by jplenio from Pixabay

This article intends to discuss potential improvements to the POB Street initiative. The goal is to present a potentially different format for these discussions that may help guide the community more efficiently. It's essential to look back at what you do to see if the model you utilize for content creation remains viable as time progresses.



Image by Nattanan Kanchanaprat from Pixabay

After discussions on the POB Street project with Insight.pob, we agreed to create a different version for his review, approval, or implementation where applicable.

While the analysis of this project is my own, the content within it is not. It is my interpretation and review of work already created by someone else.

Due to this fact, I assigned 90% (staked) of all rewards of this article to @Insight.pob. 10% of awards is automatically assigned to proofofbrainio for community development.


Opinion Drives Growth

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

We develop our opinion of an author's perspective while we read an article. We respond to the author by either voting, commenting, or both. The views we have about the piece can further drive engagement in the community. I've had some great conversations with people through the comment section. It keeps me engaged, and, more likely than not, I'll follow along with the author for any new updates.

However, articles that tap the community for information and insight may find their jobs more difficult. The POB Street initiative relies on community engagement. When I read through a new article, I'm there to learn the community's opinions. It's the comments I curate more than anything.


Presentations Make or Break

Image by jan baars from Pixabay

@Insight.pob began the POB Street project on September 1, 2021. I felt it served as a wake-up call of sorts. It allows people to address community issues, and it is an intelligent approach to community topics people want to discuss. It also speaks volumes that @onealfa.pob supports the initiative. I take his support seriously as an earlier article of his had a significant impact on my curation efforts.

Over time, it's crucial to re-evaluate any project to determine if it requires modification or dissolution. I have seen projects fail IRL because the people managing it did not adjust to the change in times. In these cases, I found that two contributing factors to that failure included, but were not limited to, new users and the presentation or transfer of knowledge. While I could write about these issues ad infinitum, it's best to focus on the presentation.

One thing missing from the POB Street initiative is the creator's interpretation of the content over time:

  • #1: Are the questions presented useful?
  • #2: Is the engagement worthwhile?
  • #3: What topics did the community recommend?
  • #4: What is the priority of the community's recommendations?
  • #5: What period of time is the presenter reviewing?

The author should also provide a viewing of the articles discussed. The following section provides an example.


Presentation Changes

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

  1. Title: Try changing the title to something specific about the topic. It may draw a greater crowd than just adding "POB STREET WITH ONEALFA 22-10-21 #51". You could include the edition number inside the article.
  2. Article Rules/Rewards: Try consolidating the rules to take up less space.
  3. Article Review: Consider providing a listing of past articles the community can review. It's possible people don't follow your work regularly, or they haven't had time. It would benefit the author and the community to have something readily available that discusses past topics. Please refer to the example below:
20-10-21What is our fate in the future as POB holders?
What would be our gain in the future as POB stakers?
21-10-21What do you not like in the Proof of Brain Community?
What are you not satisfied with in the Proof of Brain Community?
22-10-21Can POB partner with other Hive tokens?

Consider speaking about your point of view on prior articles. Did the community respond as you expected? Have any project ideas come up that appear worth developing or, at least, considered for future development?

Most importantly, should you choose to implement any of these changes, you must consider the impact on your time. Higher levels of interpretation require more significant amounts of time. You have to consider how these changes will affect your personal life. Content creators lose their motivation too.


Purpose of this Message

Image by 3D Animation Production Company from Pixabay

I believe in your efforts here. I want your work to withstand the test of time. Pose a question, and people will answer you honestly, but take care to monitor the questions asked and the answers that the community gives.

Change isn't always a bad thing. We should all take an opportunity to see if the community can improve upon the things we do.

Perhaps nothing in this article can aid you, or you can employ something here that would work. Regardless, I do my part to see things improve. The rest, my friend, is up to you.


In Closing

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Thank you for taking the time to read my recommendations on the POB Street project. If you like this article, please consider upvoting and following @scholaris!

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