The covid jab is magnetic: what does it mean?

In the last few weeks more and more people have been seen sticking small magnets to their arms in the area where they received the jab. When I first heard about this I assumed it was a hoax, some kind magic trick which could create the effect. However, last night I took the time to watch this video compilation of people around the world demonstrating it and I am now relatively convinced this is an authentic phenomena.

Something in that jab is magnetic.

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Most people are using these small magnets.

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But the larger ones work too.

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A lot of people out there seem genuinely excited by their new skill.

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A skill which goes beyond magnets.

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Those who have been jabbed twice can hold two items!

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This lady is able to stick her phone to her arm. I suppose this could at least be useful??!!

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So, there you have it. All the above screenshots are from the video which also has a part 1 & 2 by the way. That's five hours worth of people sticking metal objects to their arms, in case you are in need of further persuasion.

Cool new party trick

The thing which disturbed me the most watching all these people was how casual they were about it. Rather than concerned, most of them were either excited by it or completely without opinion. They were however very quick to express their gratitude for the jab because now they consider themselves "safe" & "fully protected".

Having a metal device in my arm would personally freak me out a bit and I would seek to remove the foreign object immediately.

It has been put there without consent because people wouldn't agree if they had been asked!

Small magnets to become illegal?

Interesting to note the NHS are currently calling for a ban on the sale of "small toy magnets". This story made the headlines a week ago. source

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They say it is to stop little children from swallowing them. Apparently 65 kids in the last 3 years have required surgery because they swallowed more than one.

Does that sound like a good reason to call for a total ban on small "toy" magnets? Not so sure.

And are these two stories connected?

Am curious to get feedback from any of you out there who have received the jab. Do you have magnetic arms now? Or is this all just a clever hoax? Do please let us know in the comments!

What do you think it is?

Tracking device?

Many thanks to TimTruth on the LBRY blockchain for the video compilation which I would personally say helps us confirm the authenticity of what is now being referred to as the magnet challenge or magnetgate.

Love & Light everyone 🌱

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