Is tomorrow (Sept 23rd) a significant day for the powers who shouldn't be?


Have been aware for a few years now that Sept 23rd is a date which is mentioned many times in films and TV series in a way that goes far beyond coincidence. Knowing how television, films & media are used today as a mechanism for augmenting the way we think with predictive programming, could it be that we have been mentally prepared for something significant to happen tomorrow?

Just prior to covid, Netflix pushed their documentary Pandemic relentlessly on their home page and I remember thinking at the time how it was odd the way they adjusted their usual algorithms to promote Pandemic above all other films for a period of many months.

Needless to say I ended up watching it as a consequence and the conclusion to the documentary and proposed solution to any future pandemic was of course worldwide vaccination.


The documentary was released in Jan 2020 and I would argue that a huge number of people were more accepting of the vaccine exclusively because of this, without even being aware of it. Because that's how TV programming works. It programs YOU.

So in reference to the date Sept 23rd what we can see is that the numbers 23/9 and 9/23 have come up over and over during the last 50 years.

Here is Jim Carrey in Ace Ventura saying "Captain's log star date 23.9"

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While here he is as the Cable Guy with the same number on a door behind him.

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And let's not forget his film The Number 23 in which he plays a man tormented by this number.



George Clooney tells us in the opening sequence of Tomorrowland that "the future can be scary" just as we see this countdown clock displaying 9/23.

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Here is David Bowie in Labyrinth telling us "In 9 hours and 23 minutes you'll be mine".

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Here is the Terminator entering a door with the number 239 in the sequence.

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Here is a shot from Matrix Revolutions.

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Didn't see anything? Look closer.

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You may laugh and call it a coincidence but there really are a lot of these references and having worked in Hollywood on a feature film (Snatch) I can assure you that no detail is left to chance.

Sometimes the reference is to the date itself, like we can see in the opening words from Little Shop of Horrors.

Screenshot 2023-09-22 at 06.28.49.png source

Even Homer Simpson shows us this combination of numbers on a few occasions.

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Come on Homer, you can do it!

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Sometimes it's really subtle and there is no way you would notice it consciously at the time. Like in this great music video where a woman throws a phone in slow motion showing the numbers 239.

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Music videos in particular seem good at dropping us hints of the number in the background.

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Here is a clip from a documentary featuring the Queen of England and Prince Harry telling her that the man wearing 239 went on to win the race.

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The list is pretty endless to be honest so I will leave it at that.

All the youtube clips I have shown you are from this video:

Final thoughts

You may perhaps be wondering why the 'powers who shouldn't be' would care about creating mass panic on a certain day of the year? Well that would be because certain days, like tomorrow which is an Equinox (night & day same length) hold a significant amount of energy which can be harnessed and used to the advantage of humans. Something we used to understand much better in the past before this knowledge became reserved only for our controllers and the fringe members of society who intuitively know what to do.

Videos like the one above have been coming out for the last five years and on every occasion nothing in particular happened on Sept 23rd. So there is very little evidence here to suggest this year will be any different. I just thought it was interesting and certainly it makes me feel a little bit excited about tomorrow!

Which is never a bad thing.

Could be that we get our long awaited fake alien invasion? I'll be making the popcorn for that one!

Or perhaps a fake solar storm creates a global power outage?

Or perhaps just the internet will go down?

Or what about the cyber attack which will perhaps just affect major websites?

All these things and plenty more I can think of would be extremely entertaining for my family and I!

In truth I don't give this kind of stuff much air time in my mind and it is my aim with posts like this one to make sure you and your family can say the same thing if events like the ones I have described above should come to pass, tomorrow or any other day of the year. Nothing to stress about if you are prepared.

Love & Light everyone 🌱


The two art images were made by myself and the midjourney bot. Prompts available on request.

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