Stop comparing yourself to others...

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We often make the big mistake of comparing ourselves to others. No matter how good we are from our own position, our eyes go to those who are better than us. And this is exactly what takes away our happiness.

Because we forget we are much happier from our position. Then it becomes more important for us to compare ourselves with them. His car is more expensive than my car, he is earning more money than me, more happiness in his life than me and so on.

It turns out that the person you are thinking about is doing the same thing to his superior. And this is how the cycle of destroying happiness continues. And because of this no one can be happy from their own position. On the other hand, comparing yourself to others will destroy your self-confidence and reduce your ability to progress.

Because you will be disappointed when you see the success of others. And once frustration surrounds you with its wall, it becomes very difficult to break through that wall. So we should try our best from our own position. Then there will be no lack of confidence and there will be inspiration. And at the end of the day your success is guaranteed!

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