The bitter leaf that mama cook

Beck then, If i said that i enjoyed eating bitter leaf soup just know that I am not been honest.


Did she forgot that I will be coming home today? Because, I knew quite alright, she wouldn't have prepared bitter, knowing fully well I do not like bitter leaf soup as i will be coming home today.

But as I was eating the bitter leaf soup and eba, I realized that even the bitter leaf soup, I have been refusing to eat taste a lot good than any other meal.

Ogazi soup was always my favorite, but right from that moment, I took bitter leaf soup, i could feels a lot difference, Bitter leaf is more sumptuous in soup than any other leaf despite it Bitter taste, when using in making soup.


The Bitter taste will turn somewhat sweetness, believe me, i was so amazed when I taste the soup.

You know me na!, I do not hide anything, as i called out to mama and said, "I never knew that bitter leaf taste this good", i love it so much, I love the soup Mama!

Then I felt bad, why not been eating it in times back, why pushing myself so hard, in refusing the one thing which could have make me more healthy and handsome.


The meal was really delicious and I thank Mama abundanctly for opening my eyes, and I also told her to prepare it some other times as I wanted to cover up those times I refuse to eat it.

Mama smile and said thank you my son, for your encouragement.

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