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Dear Newcomers, Have some Patience!

It's good to see a lot of people are joining Hive daily. OCD is running an onboarding contest also. I hope more will join us soon.

More people means more growth.

But it can only mean 'growth' if people invest themselves meaningfully.


Why I'm saying this?

I'm currently serving as a curator of 'bdcommunity', also I was curator for many other communities as well. So I got to know a few things 'what problem newcomers face' in Hive.

They are not sure 'what to do', 'what is right and what is wrong.

I believe this is not the problem of this platform but the beginners who have lack patience. Who thinks that this place is a 'make money' site only.

But this surely not the whole scenario. There are many who invest themselves, engaging with others meaningfully and gradually growing.

I get hundreds of DM asking, what's wrong with their profile, why they are getting downvote. I mean, can't you see? Don't you know? You are plagiarising. Also, some say that 'why they are not getting support?' When I check their profile, I see zero investment/effort; only a few words and some photos. No engagement, no comment; nothing!

There are countless other queries. And most of them are meaningless. If they invest a small amount of time, they will know the answers immediately. Or maybe they know but still compare with other profiles!


Again, I would say. If newcomers invest more time on engaging, consuming more content rather than only creating posts and hoping others to vote; their profile would not be the same by now.

Nope, I'm not a top-level user of this platform, I don't know everything and I'm not an achiever also. I'm not here to judge other's work as well.

But what I understand is maybe...maybe my words will help someone who is looking for this.

There are plenty of resources explaining how you can do better here. Engage, comment, create, vote. Don't beg vote, don't plagiarize ie. Read, read, read. Invest your time, if possible some money. But the time for sure.

I got $0.02 on my first post and it took me more than one year to reach $1 in a post. Can you believe this? Those were a bearish period of crypto. But still, I don't think any newcomer will hang around this platform any longer if they get less than $1 for one or two years.

It takes time to grow, right?

So have some patience.

Have a good day!