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Colourful Flowers Of Summer

Greetings and welcome to another Proof Of Brain Contest promoted by @friendlymoose.

The subject is Colourful.

Fall is just around the corner here on Prince Edward Island. It is a colourful time of year as the foliage on the deciduous trees change into beautiful colors of red, orange, gold and rust.

As much as Fall of the year is beautiful, when I saw the subject was colourful I immediately thought of the butterflies, bees, birds and flowers of summer and how they add amazing color to the landscape.

A picture from my flower garden where the brightly colored swallowtail butterfly lands on the chive blossom.

A bee lands on the same bed of chives.

Burgundy lilies make a wonderful display of colour.

The Orange Lily. A display of these lilies grow at the side of the house but they are not quite as colourful as the Burgundy ones.

The Lady’s Slipper or Moccasin Flower can be found growing wild in the forests of Prince Edward Island (PEI), Canada and are the provincial flower.

I found these delicate beauties growing in the forest near the house.

Alas, these brightly coloured flowers have faded now that fall is near but will show their beautiful heads again next summer.