Wolf and Beaver (fable)

Wolf and Beaver

Wolf and Beaver lived in the zoo,
They were different, like heaven and earth.
Wolf loved to run and roar,
Beaver silently gnawed trees.

One day they decided to have competition,
Fight and find out who is better.
Wolf ran fast on the ground,
And Beaver swam quickly in the water.

Free image from Pixabay

But suddenly something unexpected happened,
Heavy snowfall began at the zoo.
Wolf lost in the snow, he got tired
And lay down in anticipation of death.

Beaver came up to him and said:
"Don't blame yourself for not being able to swim in snow,
After all, each has its own characteristics,
And everyone should appreciate their uniqueness."

Wolf learned this lesson
And began to respect other animals,
After all, everyone has their own advantages and disadvantages,
And only together we can succeed in any business,
Including space exploration,
But that’s a completely different story.

The original text was written by me in Russian. I haven't studied English systematically so the translation may not be ideal. The main work was done by Google Translate, I just corrected obvious absurdities, where I noticed them and where I did not confuse them with brilliant insights.

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