Surgeon and Acrobat (fable)

Surgeon and Acrobat

In city hospital, where lives were saved every day,
There was Surgeon working, true master of his craft.
He operated on patients like real wizard,
His golden hands restored life and health to many people.

Acrobat worked in circus, he flew under dome,
At great height he performed his dangerous stunts,
In front of public he balanced like bird in the sky,
He delighted everyone with his courage and dexterity.

Free image from Pixabay

One day Surgeon and Acrobat met in a street cafe,
As usually happens, where destinies intersect by chance.
Surgeon said: "Your work is dangerous and difficult,
You take risks every day, like you're dancing deadly tango!"

Acrobat replied: "Your work is no less useful to people,
You dive into womb of sick person and heal his body.
Each of us serves his life mission and his art,
Together we make world better and more beautiful place!"

"But I work in silence, I operate without witnesses,
I'm only helping one person, the one I'm currently treating,
And you benefit huge number of viewers at the same time,
Your work is more visible to people and it is more useful!"

"Okay, buddy, stop this bullshit!
Can't you see piece of iron sticking out of my stomach?
Damned fakir forgot his saber in circus arena,
And I ran into it, as if carp swallowed fishing hook.
Help me quickly, otherwise I will die!"

"Finally, you admitted the obvious.
I thought you were going to talk this nonsense until you bleed.
Okay, I'll help you, but you'll pay double price for pain relief,
So that next time you will be more polite!"

Having said this, Surgeon went to get his instruments,
But not too quickly so that Acrobat has time to properly feel,
How important it is to choose the right profession in life.
And you, friends, think about this too.
If it's not too late.

The original text was written by me in Russian. I haven't studied English systematically, so translation may not be ideal. The main work was done by Google Translate, I just corrected obvious absurdities, where I noticed them and where I did not confuse them with brilliant insights.

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