Horse and Cherry (fable)

Horse and Cherry

In dense forest, among old trees,
Wild Cherry grew cheerful and bold.
Her bright fruits hung enticingly
From distance, attracting attention of animals.

One day Horse wandered into forest
Without any specific and clear goal.
She looked at sweet Cherry,
And her heart beat faster.

Free image from Pixabay

"Cherry, my friend, I want to eat you!" -
Horse said, sparkling with hungry eyes. -
"You are so beautiful and juicy,
I can not resist your taste!"

Cherry smiled and said:
"Dear Horse, don't be in hurry,
I want to propose to you,
Listen to me and don't rush."

"What can you offer me, Cherry?" -
Horse asked, not believing her ears.

"I offer you my protection,
Until you eat me!"

Horse thought for a moment and said:
"Indeed, Cherry is right."
Then she replied: "Well, I agree,
You can be my protector in forest."

Thus Cherry became companion of Horse,
Protecting her from dangers throughout forest.
They became inseparable friends,
Traveling through impenetrable thickets.

And Horse forgot about hunger,
She found true friend and protector.
And Cherry smiled gratefully,
Knowing that helped another living being.

This is how ended the fable about
That friendship is more important than food,
And that is not always appearance
Determines the value of friend in this world.

The original text was written by me in Russian. I haven't studied English systematically, so translation may not be ideal. The main work was done by Google Translate, I just corrected obvious absurdities, where I noticed them and where I did not confuse them with brilliant insights.

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