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Mr A and B went to a service one day and hearing the sermon from the pastor where he said "if you believe God to do something for you, sow a seed". Many people came out to give what they have and when it was the turn of these two men, Mr A gave a little from what he has while Mr B gave more than half of what he has even when he knows he doesn't have transport fare home or even food to eat but he gave it because he believed the Pastor.

Who do you think did sacrificed? By the time you finish reading this article, you will be able to know who did sacrificed.

For the first time, I knew the true meaning of sacrifice when I attended the service in my church.

The pastor said sacrifice is not all about giving but giving something that will hurt you and you do not have any other option than to release it because you believe something will come out from it.

Many of us, we do think when we do a little thing, we are sacrificing but it's not like that. Until you feel it that you have given something that hurts you, then it means you sacrificed.

A couple who vowed at the altar "for better for worse" and stood by themselves even when it's tough are really sacrificing because one may choose to leave the relationship if he or she can't cope with the situation again.

It is until you do something that pinches or hurt you releasing it, then you have truly sacrifice. Giving out a thousand naira note willingly when all you have left is just a little cent and you know it has reduced what you need to do, is called Sacrifice.

Some would say "let me give out of what I have at least I still have more with me", sorry to say, you aren't sacrificing.

Your neighbor needs to be rushed to the hospital and you are already late for work and your car is the only last option but you refused to help because you think you are getting late but a life is at stake or risk. What do you do? Wouldn't you rather help such person to save a life? When you give out your time at that moment, you have indeed done a big sacrifice because you aren't even thinking of your cruel and wicked boss at work again but trying to save a life. But funny enough, some wouldn't even try it. They are scared of losing their job. I won't blame them though.

A woman gave her last penny on her not minding how she would feed next. She was a poor widow and after dropping all she had on her, Jesus confirmed that it was truly the biggest sacrifice she did. Jesus taught the disciples that she gave more than the rich who were there. You can find this in Mark 12:41-44

Why couldn't the rich gave huge offering? This is because they do not believe but only the woman believed even when all she had left was the two coins with her. Believe me or not, She was the richest at that point.

Many people wouldn't even want to sacrifice their one tenth of their money as tithes because they feel it will reduce what they have budgeted already.

Sacrifice is giving what you have at that moment with no option. Though it will hurt you but you believe all will be well.

Another story which Jesus teaches us is about the "Good Samaritan" in the Bible. A man was robbed and beaten mercilessly and was at the point of death. Two men already passed by but looked elsewhere and couldn't offer help but a man who the Bible termed as good Samaritan waited and helped the man and even took him somewhere and paid his bills. Something he never planned for. He would have had plans for the money on him but seeing this condition, he helped.

Isn't that a big Sacrifice? I wouldn't blame the other two men who saw him but couldn't do anything. They might be scared of wanting to help someone especially in this life where you want to help someone but you regretted ever trying such. They would have different thoughts in them perhaps they thought something might be fishy and the man could be pretending. The man who helped him only did that with one mind. What if the man dies in his hand? What would people say? It was another biggest sacrifice the man did to help him.

My lecturer told a real story yesterday where a man helped another man into his car when he saw his condition, the man died in his car. Thank God for the deceased man's wife who knew her husband's condition, he would have been jailed.

The man sacrificed to help him in such condition because he wanted to save a life but it turned to be something else for him. Many would think he used the man but thank God it wasn't like that.

If you haven't done something to someone to make you feel you indeed did something, you haven't yet sacrificed.

You have an important thing to do but a friend need you to follow her somewhere and you went with him or her, it's called sacrifice because you left what was important to you and helped someone.

Now, reading the above story of Mr A and B, who sacrificed?
Let's be willing to sacrifice. Though it isn't easy but when you have faith, it will return to you in many folds. Except you believe, you cannot see the Glory of God.

Thanks for reading

It was posted on my blog here

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