RE: Random Thought of the Day - Daily Contest #50 !!! BIG PRIZES TO BE WON - 50 POB DELEGATIONS

Yay! Number 50 is here! So exciting! Really curious about your story on leaving Scotland now!

I think my biggest achievement in life has been walking again! I had a pretty bad climbing accident about 3.5 years ago which really shattered my right ankle/ bottom part of my leg. It was a super long road to recovery and at some point it was really unsure if I would be able to walk normally again. I decided to work even harder on my recovery and I am proud to say it's going pretty well! There are still things I will never be able to do again and I'll always have to be careful and still go to the physio often to get help with things, but I can walk! And drive! And cycle! Which means I still have my independence, the most important thing for me

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