Is Humanity's History a Fake? (feat. Jon Levi)

History is written by the victors. But rather than going on a wild goose chase for "who", it seems mind-blowing enough to consider the history we have all learnt in school, and contrast it with some radical and sober questions... slowly poking holes in the official narrative of human history with pure logic, if we can.

It's what we have a brain for! Do we feel capable to think for ourselves?

A sizeable community of people out there are researching humanity's past, and most of them do so on their own time. Opinions differ greatly as to what really went down, it depends entirely on who you ask.

But since my blog is less about answering questions, and more about drawing more attention to the question in question, I feel it is high time I sang my praises about just how much I dig the videos of Jon Levi.

Someone with a microphone

A random dude living in Utah, Levi started putting together puzzle pieces from his own research into humanity's past, and the case he is working on has grown immensely over the years! It has matured like a fine wine, though I remember it took some time for the implications to kick in when I first came across his channel years ago.

His videos are a showcase of historical oddities.

Things that seem fine on the surface when being taken for granted, but that start to fall apart when we apply some critical thinking and common sense.

The case that crystallizes through these many findings becomes quite the trip! Connected with some other areas of inquiry this can radically alter what we deem to be true in this world, and it can make us more sharp-witted and aware of the lies that are being propagated by the system every day. The official lies that make us doubt our own power.

So, where to begin? There is no ideal entry point, but what worked for me is pretending I didn't know anything. Imagine yourself being a kid before a dozen years in public school and the countless hours watching TV shows. We were once smart. We had questions. Especially the "stupid" questions. Things adults would roll their eyes at us for.

Those are the most important ones to ask!

"Mommy, why do those people look like actors?"

ambulance camp.jpg

And so, if you are capable of suspending your judgment for at least 20 minutes or so, I promise there will be some raised eyebrows on your part when you first hear this and consider the arguments presented. Or the case requires too much prior knowledge and he will lose you, which is fine. But you have the option.

I am not claiming Levi has got it all figured out (he keeps telling people he doesn't know). But man, just the case my lady and I watched yesterday (related to the notorious civil war in the United States) was fascinating! I mean really.

Do these official pictures actually seem real to you? Do these buildings fit the people we can see on the photos? Does it make sense to construct in such a manner, buildings that are incredibly large and elaborate with the tools we are told were available at the time?

Even if you are new to the topic and don't understand a word of it, the video is quite fascinating especially to people living in North America.

Well, you be the judge.

There is also a book Levi has written: "Evidence of the Old World". A steep learning curve for newcomers, but some real gems in there if you want to see more on the idea of a lost history and why people would get such an idea. Here's an overview of the book's contents:

As for me: Jon if you ever come across this - Thank you for all your dedication and immensely enriching ideas! Among all the people making videos online yours turned out to be the some of the most fascinating and engaging showcases I have seen. The whole channel is infotainment of the highest caliber ;)

And maybe... there is even some truth to it!

Do I know what humanity's past was like? Nope! But I do know what we have been told in school and television... is very likely a load of crap from a horse-on-a-wagon ;)


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