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the fear of a blank page!

Photo by Min An

by now you know i am not that good of a writer; i can't write on the top of my head! i don't know how people do it; but i really can't!.

in this post i will try to describe the fear of a blank page; i will try to describe my journey writing this post!

by now i don't know what to write about! i tried to do a "travel" post but let's face it; we are trying to make hive a place where we share great ideas and not just another place for wikipedia! and tbh i like traveling i really do. i like that someday i could just have fill a backpack and move to a country for a week or 2; but it won't be hapening any time soon!

by now i remembered that i didn't write a proper "intro" post; but i will do it! it just that i am afraid of not writing a good post or maybe writing something that will offend someone or i don't know.... maybe i am just lazy! but i will try to write a post soon fingers crossed

when browsing hive posts (i mainly do it in @ecency or @peakd) i get descorage by the quality of the posts; but i always try to remember that everyone has to start somewhere. to be clear i never in my life tried to write a long post in english on the top of my head! all i did so far is getting from here and getting from there and kinda trying to pace stuff together and using clears throat chatgpt; but i promise you guys that from now on i will not use chatgpt to write a post in hive again!

by now (if you are still reading) you are REALLY noticing that i am a bad writer; sorry but i will try to be better by the day!

i don't know what to write about; i don't know if anyone will even read anything i write! but i will try to write and only write!

i read about jamesclear (the habit writer guy) how he made himself write 2 times a week to overcome laziness; he said something about how he became a better writer and his blog really blew up after sometime! well... i am no james clear, english is not my first language; and i am really bad at a lot of things (including punctuations 😅); but i will do it. from now on i will write atleast 2 posts a week for the rest of life. i will also try and learn about writing; i read somewhere that "good writers are better readers" or something like that! i will try to read a lot.

i just checked the preview and WOW (400+ words) i am really sorry if you made it this far; i know for sure that you didn't take anything useful with you. this was just sort of a rant about me!

i glanced at the title and guess what; the fear is totally gone, maybe it will come back next time i try to write; but i will remind my self of this post!

this was my small (and stupid 😅) journey on how i maybe overcame the fear of the blank page! i know have a fear of what my next post is gonna be about! i will try to catch some ideas for the next time!

maybe one thing you have to take from this "post" is that you shouldn't ever fear of a blank page; just keep writing and the ideas will flow to you and you maybe strike gold!

thanks so much if you made it to this line; it means the world to me! i hope i can hear what you think; or maybe some tips i can take and include in my next work!