My NO-NO list

My initial idea was to name it <My "hate" list>. But then I reconsidered, as talking loud and open about anything we hate, is not seen as a good practice these days, and usually met with very negative reactions.
I think it is all rather silly, as at the end of the day, it does not make much sense - we all and everyone have many different things which we hate. Weather we speak about this loud or not, nothing changes.

Something we love, and something we hate. And this is very natural.

Last year I'm spending large part of my online time on Hive, and specially LeoFinance tribe.
Not much posting, sometimes placing a comment or two, abut mainly by curating other people posts.
My current stake on Leo (@onealfa.leo 626000 LEO) , Hive (onealfa 210K HP) and APPICS (430K APX onealfa.appics) can make a noticeable influence on post rewards, if done at full power.
Proof-of-brain is my latest tribe, where I'm (onealfa.pob) still a tiny redfish. But I just started a few days ago.

I know some people are trying to get my attention, as an active curator.
But probably not many know, what type of posts I always skip, or ignore. Even if I read them - most of the time I do not upvote them. No matter how long, good or impressive they are.

So here, more of less is a full list of subjects, which I do not upvote. I mean - a posts which talk in a positive, advocating way about :

  • doge
  • ripple
  • xrp
  • blurt
  • steem
  • tron
  • meme
  • covid
  • covi19
  • masks
  • facemask
  • lgbt
  • communism
  • socialism
  • bolsheviks
  • lenin
  • stalin
  • leftists
  • marxism
  • central banks
  • banksters
  • governments

I may to do a downvotes on them (probably even more likely then other subject posts), if I notice a justified reason (Like plagiarism, very poor grammar writing, complete off-topic, heavy selfvoting, etc etc.)

With this info above I am not trying to say you should not posts about these things, or change your preferences, or to do any other forced action. You can do what you like.

Just be informed, that not everybody is super happy to read that stuff. And have your future expectations real and properly weighted.


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