POBphotocontest New Round: CLOSE-UP

Nice being here for the first time. Great and inspiring #POBphotocontest in the community.

Here I have a few close-up pictures of me and Eddie. The pictures remind me of the wonderful gathering that took place at the assembly ground located at Mbiokporo in Uyo on the 7th of January 2024.

Just after the morning section is over, the noon break time gave us the opportunity to socialize with others and took memorable pictures. The pictures were shot with my android phone with the help of a friend in our company.

Being this closeup shows the warmth of relationships that exist between the parties involved.

The contest of this magnitude on the closeup topic present opportunities to remember such a memorable occasions spent together and that continues to foster the bond of unity.

Thanks to @friendlymoose for creating #POBphotocontest on close-up topics which is open to all.

I hope that I follow up with the rules of this contest, and where I miss it, pardon your boy. It is really a #proofofbrain.

I remain @oasiskp2.

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