"To be alive is more important to, feel alive".

Greetings everyone here, hope you all are safe in this pandemic situation. I'm very happy that I'm writing in the community. This is my 3rd article here, I just joined hive. I heard and saw about the hive community and thought that i should write here. Writing and photography are my passion. I already posted my intro-post(@nourin11/my-introduction-to-hive). To all those who read everyday something new, exciting and always motivating, I'm here for you all. Let's jump to the post.

(Image Source: https://www.pexels.com/)

To be alive is more important to feel alive and percipient. Because if you alive but dead inside it means you're deprived of the real essence of life. If you think life has any formulas or any secrets which you don't know then it is utterly wrong. There are no secrets exist in the world. But what you need to know is that happiness is always a production of your own creation. It is not being sold nor it could be bought. You have to create it in your own ways and sources that you have been provided. You have to build the feels of gratitude. You have to be felt happy with what the Almighty has given to you.

On this way of being grateful, sometimes we get distracted by the outer grandiose of the world where we feel dim and they shine brighter than us. Where their happiness goes through the ceiling. But you right there smiling and feeling helpless and deprived. But these complexities are just the root of all evil. You see, envious has no route to anywhere. It directly throws you in your own fire. If you think greed, then you must understand it will also not take you anywhere. In fact, it will drown you in the ocean of limitless adversities where you neither be back nor spared.

Just like that, bad vibes and bad intentions have no value in life nor any final destination except regression and endless scruple. Happiness is rather a choice more than availability. You will be happier more when you create it yourself selflessly and with divine intentions.
If you want to be happy then let go everything which does not stay in your life. And wait for those who stays in your life throughout the life. Yes! Everything looks really queer in the beginning but hey! Didn't you hear! practice makes a man perfect. Do this. make it your habit and see how your life will fly back to its origin of peace and tranquility you had when you were just a 10 year old kid.

✍️ Thanks for reading my article. That's all for today. More articles will come. Stay blessed & stay safe.

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