RE: Front darkness to light, solitude and mental health [Eng | Spa]

This is an incredible post @jesustiano. You've poured your heart out in the most beautiful manner and touched multiple points of importance. My how you've grown and the things you've learned. That is a precious gift.

With regard to your question, loneliness is something I've only experienced a brief handful of times. Isolation and aloneness are what I have experienced a great deal of. One time in particular is of the greatest significance, but it's one I'm doing planning to do a post on, so I won't digress into it here. The experience of those things drove me to a closer, intimate relationship with myself, while in the process of going to the deepest darkest depths I've ever traversed. I simply cannot function without having a percentage of my time spent in solitude. It's imperative to my growth and it's a habit from a young age.

Again, beautiful post, so glad you wrote this, even though I know how hard it must have been. That resonates throughout. When you pour your real self into a creative process, it can be like that, but what comes out is the most beautiful creation. 🤗

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