The Road to Hamburg Hivebuzz Party Meetup

The clock has started ticking towards my first Hive meetup and now that all the plans are in place I am abit nervous what to expect. Luckily the great guys in the Hivebuzz Party team have organised a great event that will be lots of fun to take part in Hamburg.

My travel and accomodation arrangements are now confirmed and the meetup is becoming more real for me. The clock is ticking as I noticed it is almost March already and it will soon be April.

It will be my first Hive meetup and I am looking forward to meeting some Hivers in real life and enjoy the backdrop of the Hansestadt. I have been to Hamburg before, but it was quite some time ago now and it will be nice to visit again.

At the event I will be giving a presentation about the great Ecency Dapp. As this is the main user interface that I use on Hive, it will be easy for me to talk about it! 😀 I think most of the audience will probably know it well, but it will be cool to remind them of some of the great features and community of Ecency.

I understand the tickets are all sold now, but you can still catch some parts of it with the live stream which will be cool.

I was recommended by a friend to check out the model train that they have in Hamburg, apparently it is supposed to be quite good. I will see if I manage to spot it while I am there.

The weather should pick up in April, so we should be lucky to get some good photo opportunities of all the Hamburg sights. I don't have too many photos from my last trip, so I am looking forward to this. I know that @ph1102 is an excellent Wednesday Walker, so I can get some photo tips from him.

I didn't meet any other Hivers IRL yet, so this will also be good fun to see how people are compared to their blog. I know a few people attending have been to previous Hive Meetups, so they will maybe know some attendees already.

At the moment there are a few cool projects going on on Hive, so this will also be a good chance to hear from others presentations and what they might be working on.

Big thanks to @reiseamateur who sent me the ticket and to all those organising the event. I know organising things is not an easy task.

Thanks for reading.

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