Swimming Again

Today I was lucky enough to get back into the pool and do some laps which was really cool. I have been wanting to get some swimming done for some time, but needed to motivate myself to get going again.

Whilst swimming I came upon a couple of characters though and wonder if anyone can relate to them. The first character that I encountered was a crazy woman doing the backstroke and throwing her arms all over the place.

She didn't care about where she was going and about other people trying to swim as she careered all over the place swimming. As I was doing my laps, I was looking ahead to go around her as you couldn't guess which direction she would go. After a while, I stopped for a short rest on the side and she managed to crater into me with her hands, not once, but twice. The second time she actually scratched me! I'm not sure if this is normal etiquette in swimming pools now, but I was quite startled!

My next encounter was with another lady I dubbed The Rocket. She was swimming pretty fast and getting her laps in and had the proper swimming technique. However, she didn't seem to care about any body else swimming around her.

Instead of swimming in the specified lanes for those wanting to swim really fast, she was out in the main pool and had no regard for anyone in her way and quite a few of us needed to jump out of the way as she hurtled toward us! A few times I was swimming behind her and as she flipped to come back, I needed to dive out of the way as she hurtled towards me.

When turning to swim back, if I noticed people swimming behind me, I would go to the left or right, but The Rocket was looking for a target.

So what started as a relaxing swim, turned into a fun obstacle course and reminded me why I like to do things as off-peak as possible in case you meet any crazy people.

The good thing about swimming is that it is supposed to be some good exercise for you and your arms particularly. We are still some way off, but I am looking forward to getting some swimming done in open air pools as it is more exhilarating. I am just cautious in case I encounter more people like The Rocket.

Thanks for reading.

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